#!/usr/bin/env bash # This file is part of The RetroPie Project # # The RetroPie Project is the legal property of its developers, whose names are # too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT.md file distributed with this source. # # See the LICENSE.md file at the top-level directory of this distribution and # at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/master/LICENSE.md # ## @file supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh ## @brief runcommand launching script ## @copyright GPLv3 ## @details ## @par Usage ## ## `runcommand.sh VIDEO_MODE COMMAND SAVE_NAME` ## ## or ## ## `runcommand.sh VIDEO_MODE _SYS_/_PORT_ SYSTEM ROM` ## ## Video mode switching is supported on X11, KMS and Raspberry Pi (legacy graphics) systems ## ## Automatic video mode selection (all): ## ## * VIDEO_MODE = 0: use the current video mode ## ## Automatic video mode (Raspberry Pi legacy graphics): ## ## * VIDEO_MODE = 1: set video mode to 640x480 (4:3) or 720x480 (16:9) @60hz ## * VIDEO_MODE = 4: set video mode to 1024x768 (4:3) or 1280x720 (16:9) @60hz ## ## Manual video mode selection (Raspberry Pi legacy graphics): ## ## * VIDEO_MODE = "CEA-#": set video mode to CEA mode # ## * VIDEO_MODE = "DMT-#": set video mode to DMT mode # ## * VIDEO_MODE = "PAL/NTSC-RATIO": set mode to SD output with RATIO of 4:3 / 16:10 or 16:9 ## ## Manual video mode selection (KMS): ## ## * VIDEO_MODE = "CRTCID-MODEID": set video mode to CRTC connector id and mode id ## ## Manual video mode selection (X11): ## ## * VIDEO_MODE = "OUTPUT:MODEID": set video mode to connected output name and mode index ## ## @note ## Video mode switching only happens if the monitor reports the modes as available ## (via tvservice) and the requested mode differs from the currently active mode ## ## If `_SYS_` or `_PORT_` is provided for the second parameter, the commandline ## will be extracted from `/opt/retropie/configs/SYSTEM/emulators.cfg` with ## `%ROM%` `%BASENAME%` being replaced with the ROM parameter. This is the ## default mode used when launching in RetroPie so the user can switch emulator ## used as well as other options from the runcommand GUI. ## ## If SAVE_NAME is included, that is used for loading and saving of video output ## modes as well as SDL1 dispmanx settings for the current COMMAND. If omitted, ## the binary name is used as a key for the loading and saving. The savename is ## also displayed in the video output menu (detailed below), so for our purposes ## we send the emulator module id, which is somewhat descriptive yet short. ## ## On launch this script waits for 2 second for a key or joystick press. If ## pressed the GUI is shown, where a user can set video modes, default emulators ## and other options (depending what is being launched). ROOTDIR="/opt/retropie" CONFIGDIR="$ROOTDIR/configs" LOG="/dev/shm/runcommand.log" RUNCOMMAND_CONF="$CONFIGDIR/all/runcommand.cfg" VIDEO_CONF="$CONFIGDIR/all/videomodes.cfg" EMU_CONF="$CONFIGDIR/all/emulators.cfg" DISPMANX_CONF="$CONFIGDIR/all/dispmanx.cfg" RETRONETPLAY_CONF="$CONFIGDIR/all/retronetplay.cfg" # modesetting tools TVSERVICE="/opt/vc/bin/tvservice" KMSTOOL="$ROOTDIR/supplementary/mesa-drm/modetest" XRANDR="xrandr" source "$ROOTDIR/lib/inifuncs.sh" function get_config() { declare -Ag MODE_MAP MODE_MAP[1-CEA-4:3]="CEA-1" MODE_MAP[1-DMT-4:3]="DMT-4" MODE_MAP[1-CEA-16:9]="CEA-1" MODE_MAP[4-CEA-4:3]="DMT-16" MODE_MAP[4-DMT-4:3]="DMT-16" MODE_MAP[4-CEA-16:9]="CEA-4" if [[ -f "$RUNCOMMAND_CONF" ]]; then iniConfig " = " '"' "$RUNCOMMAND_CONF" iniGet "governor" GOVERNOR="$ini_value" iniGet "use_art" USE_ART="$ini_value" iniGet "disable_joystick" DISABLE_JOYSTICK="$ini_value" iniGet "disable_menu" DISABLE_MENU="$ini_value" iniGet "image_delay" IMAGE_DELAY="$ini_value" [[ -z "$IMAGE_DELAY" ]] && IMAGE_DELAY=2 fi if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" ]] && $XRANDR &>/dev/null; then HAS_MODESET="x11" # copy kms tool output to global variable to avoid multiple invocations elif KMS_BUFFER="$($KMSTOOL -r 2>/dev/null)"; then HAS_MODESET="kms" elif [[ -f "$TVSERVICE" ]]; then HAS_MODESET="tvs" fi } function start_joy2key() { [[ "$DISABLE_JOYSTICK" -eq 1 ]] && return # get the first joystick device (if not already set) if [[ -c "$__joy2key_dev" ]]; then JOY2KEY_DEV="$__joy2key_dev" else JOY2KEY_DEV="/dev/input/jsX" fi # if joy2key.py is installed run it with cursor keys for axis, and enter + tab for buttons 0 and 1 if [[ -f "$ROOTDIR/supplementary/runcommand/joy2key.py" && -n "$JOY2KEY_DEV" ]] && ! pgrep -f joy2key.py >/dev/null; then # call joy2key.py: arguments are curses capability names or hex values starting with '0x' # see: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xcurses/terminfo.html "$ROOTDIR/supplementary/runcommand/joy2key.py" "$JOY2KEY_DEV" kcub1 kcuf1 kcuu1 kcud1 0x0a 0x09 JOY2KEY_PID=$(pgrep -f joy2key.py) # ensure coherency between on-screen prompts and actual button mapping functionality sleep 0.3 fi } function stop_joy2key() { if [[ -n "$JOY2KEY_PID" ]]; then kill "$JOY2KEY_PID" JOY2KEY_PID="" sleep 1 fi } function get_params() { MODE_REQ="$1" COMMAND="$2" [[ -z "$MODE_REQ" || -z "$COMMAND" ]] && return 1 CONSOLE_OUT=0 # if the COMMAND is _SYS_, or _PORT_ arg 3 should be system name, and arg 4 rom/game, and we look up the configured system for that combination if [[ "$COMMAND" == "_SYS_" || "$COMMAND" == "_PORT_" ]]; then # if the rom is actually a special +Start System.sh script, we should launch the script directly. if [[ "$4" =~ \/\+Start\ (.+)\.sh$ ]]; then # extract emulator from the name (and lowercase it) EMULATOR=${BASH_REMATCH[1],,} IS_SYS=0 COMMAND="bash \"$4\"" SYSTEM="$3" [[ -z "$SYSTEM" ]] && return 1 else IS_SYS=1 SYSTEM="$3" ROM="$4" ROM_BN_EXT="${ROM##*/}" ROM_BN="${ROM_BN_EXT%.*}" if [[ "$COMMAND" == "_PORT_" ]]; then CONF_ROOT="$CONFIGDIR/ports/$SYSTEM" EMU_SYS_CONF="$CONF_ROOT/emulators.cfg" IS_PORT=1 else CONF_ROOT="$CONFIGDIR/$SYSTEM" EMU_SYS_CONF="$CONF_ROOT/emulators.cfg" IS_PORT=0 fi SYS_SAVE_ROM_OLD="a$(echo "$SYSTEM$ROM" | md5sum | cut -d" " -f1)" SYS_SAVE_ROM="$(clean_name "${SYSTEM}_${ROM_BN}")" [[ -z "$SYSTEM" ]] && return 1 get_sys_command fi else IS_SYS=0 CONSOLE_OUT=1 EMULATOR="$3" # if we have an emulator name (such as module_id) we use that for storing/loading parameters for video output/dispmanx # if the parameter is empty we use the name of the binary (to avoid breakage with out of date emulationstation configs) [[ -z "$EMULATOR" ]] && EMULATOR="${COMMAND/% */}" fi NETPLAY=0 return 0 } function clean_name() { local name="$1" name="${name//\//_}" name="${name//[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/}" echo "$name" } function set_save_vars() { # convert emulator name / binary to a names usable as variables in our config files SAVE_EMU="$(clean_name "$EMULATOR")" SAVE_ROM_OLD=r$(echo "$COMMAND" | md5sum | cut -d" " -f1) if [[ "$IS_SYS" -eq 1 ]]; then SAVE_ROM="${SAVE_EMU}_$(clean_name "$ROM_BN")" else SAVE_ROM="$SAVE_EMU" fi } function get_all_tvs_modes() { declare -Ag MODE local group for group in CEA DMT; do while read -r line; do local id="$(echo "$line" | grep -oE "mode [0-9]*" | cut -d" " -f2)" local info="$(echo "$line" | cut -d":" -f2-)" info=${info/ /} if [[ -n "$id" ]]; then MODE_ID+=($group-$id) MODE[$group-$id]="$info" fi done < <($TVSERVICE -m $group) done local aspect for group in "NTSC" "PAL"; do for aspect in "4:3" "16:10" "16:9"; do MODE_ID+=($group-$aspect) MODE[$group-$aspect]="SDTV - $group-$aspect" done done } function get_all_kms_modes() { declare -Ag MODE local default_mode="$(echo "$KMS_BUFFER" | grep -Em1 "^Mode:.*(driver|userdef).*crtc")" local crtc="$(echo "$default_mode" | awk '{ print $(NF-1) }')" local crtc_encoder="$(echo "$KMS_BUFFER" | awk -v crtc="$crtc" '/Encoder map:/ && $5 == crtc { print $3 }')" local info local line local mode_id # add default mode as fallback in case real mode cannot be mapped MODE[def-def]="$(echo "$default_mode" | awk 'NF-=3 {print substr($0,7)}')" while read -r line; do # encoder id encoder_id="$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $(NF-1) }')" # only match encoders that are linked to the currently active crtc if [[ "$encoder_id" == "$crtc_encoder" ]]; then # mode id mode_id="$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $NF }')" # make output more human-readable info="$(echo "$line" | awk 'NF-=3 {print substr($0,7)}')" # populate resolution into arrays (using mapped crtc encoder value) MODE_ID+=($crtc-$mode_id) MODE[$crtc-$mode_id]="$info" # if string matches default mode, add a special mapped entry [[ "$default_mode" =~ "$info" ]] && MODE[map-map]="$crtc $mode_id" fi done < <(echo "$KMS_BUFFER" | awk '/Mode:/ && /connector/') } function get_all_x11_modes() { declare -Ag MODE local id local info local line local verbose_info=() local output="$($XRANDR --verbose | awk '/primary/ { print $1 }')" while read -r line; do # scan for line that contains bracketed mode id id="$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -o "(0x[a-f0-9]\{1,\})")" if [[ -n "$id" ]]; then # strip brackets from mode id id="$(echo ${id:1:-1})" # extract extended details verbose_info=($(echo "$line" | awk '{ for (i=3; i<=NF; ++i) print $i }')) # extract x/y resolution, vertical refresh rate and append details read -r line info="$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $3 }')" read -r line info+="x$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $3 }') @ $(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $NF }') ("${verbose_info[*]}")" # populate resolution into arrays MODE_ID+=($output:$id) MODE[$output:$id]="$info" fi done < <($XRANDR --verbose | awk '/^[^ \t]+/ {a++} /primary/ {c=a} c==a') # only want primary } function get_tvs_mode_info() { local status="$($TVSERVICE -s)" local temp local mode_info=() # get mode type / id if [[ "$status" =~ (PAL|NTSC) ]]; then temp=($(echo "$status" | grep -oE "(PAL|NTSC) (4:3|16:10|16:9)")) else temp=($(echo "$status" | grep -oE "(CEA|DMT) \([0-9]+\)")) fi mode_info[0]="${temp[0]}" mode_info[1]="${temp[1]//[()]/}" # get mode resolution temp=$(echo "$status" | cut -d"," -f2 | grep -oE "[0-9]+x[0-9]+") temp=(${temp/x/ }) mode_info[2]="${temp[0]}" mode_info[3]="${temp[1]}" # get aspect ratio temp=$(echo "$status" | grep -oE "([0-9]+:[0-9]+)") mode_info[4]="$temp" # get refresh rate temp=$(echo "$status" | grep -oE "[0-9\.]+Hz" | cut -d"." -f1) mode_info[5]="$temp" echo "${mode_info[@]}" } function get_kms_mode_info() { local mode_id=(${1/-/ }) local mode_info=() local status if [[ -z "${mode_id[*]}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${MODE[map-map]}" ]]; then # use mapped mode directly mode_id=(${MODE[map-map]}) else # use fallback mode mode_id=(def def) fi fi # split resolution status=(${MODE[${mode_id[0]}-${mode_id[1]}]/x/ }) # get crtc id mode_info[0]="${mode_id[0]}" # get mode id mode_info[1]="${mode_id[1]}" # get mode resolution mode_info[2]="${status[0]}" mode_info[3]="${status[1]}" # get aspect ratio mode_info[4]="${status[5]}" # get refresh rate mode_info[5]="${status[3]}" echo "${mode_info[@]}" } function get_x11_mode_info() { local mode_id=(${1/:/ }) local mode_info=() local status if [[ -z "$mode_id" ]]; then # determine current output mode_id[0]="$($XRANDR --verbose | awk '/primary/ { print $1 }')" # determine current mode id & strip brackets mode_id[1]="$($XRANDR --verbose | awk ' /primary/ && match($5,/0x[a-z0-9][a-z0-9]/) { print substr($5,RSTART,RLENGTH) }')" fi # mode type corresponds to the currently connected output name mode_info[0]="${mode_id[0]}" # get mode id mode_info[1]="${mode_id[1]}" # get status line and split resolution status=(${MODE[${mode_id[0]}:${mode_id[1]}]/x/ }) # get resolution mode_info[2]="${status[0]}" mode_info[3]="${status[1]}" # aspect ratio cannot be determined for X11 mode_info[4]="n/a" # get refresh rate (stripping Hz, rounded to integer) mode_info[5]="$(LC_NUMERIC=C printf '%.0f\n' ${status[3]::-2})" echo "${mode_info[@]}" } function default_process() { local config="$1" local mode="$2" local key="$3" local value="$4" iniConfig " = " '"' "$config" case "$mode" in get) iniGet "$key" echo "$ini_value" ;; set) iniSet "$key" "$value" ;; del) iniDel "$key" ;; esac } function default_mode() { local mode="$1" local type="$2" local value="$3" local key case "$type" in vid_emu) key="$SAVE_EMU" ;; vid_rom_old) key="$SAVE_ROM_OLD" ;; vid_rom) key="$SAVE_ROM" ;; fb_emu) key="${SAVE_EMU}_fb" ;; fb_rom_old) key="${SAVE_ROM_OLD}_fb" ;; fb_rom) key="${SAVE_ROM}_fb" ;; render) key="${SAVE_EMU}_render" ;; esac default_process "$VIDEO_CONF" "$mode" "$key" "$value" } function default_emulator() { local mode="$1" local type="$2" local value="$3" local key local config="$EMU_SYS_CONF" case "$type" in emu_sys) key="default" ;; emu_cmd) key="$EMULATOR" ;; emu_rom_old) key="$SYS_SAVE_ROM_OLD" config="$EMU_CONF" ;; emu_rom) key="$SYS_SAVE_ROM" config="$EMU_CONF" ;; esac default_process "$config" "$mode" "$key" "$value" } function load_mode_defaults() { local separator="-" [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "x11" ]] && separator=":" local temp MODE_ORIG=() if [[ -n "$HAS_MODESET" ]]; then # populate available modes [[ -z "$MODE_ID" ]] && get_all_${HAS_MODESET}_modes # get current mode / aspect ratio MODE_ORIG=($(get_${HAS_MODESET}_mode_info)) MODE_CUR=("${MODE_ORIG[@]}") MODE_ORIG_ID="${MODE_ORIG[0]}${separator}${MODE_ORIG[1]}" if [[ "$MODE_REQ" == "0" ]]; then MODE_REQ_ID="$MODE_ORIG_ID" elif [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "tvs" ]]; then # get default mode for requested mode of 1 or 4 if [[ "$MODE_REQ" =~ (1|4) ]]; then # if current aspect is anything else like 5:4 / 10:9 just choose a 4:3 mode local aspect="${MODE_ORIG[4]}" [[ "$aspect" =~ (4:3|16:9) ]] || aspect="4:3" temp="${MODE_REQ}-${MODE_ORIG[0]}-$aspect" MODE_REQ_ID="${MODE_MAP[$temp]}" else MODE_REQ_ID="$MODE_REQ" fi else MODE_REQ_ID="$MODE_REQ" fi fi # get default fb_res (if not running on X) FB_ORIG=() if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]]; then local status=($(fbset | tr -s '\n')) FB_ORIG[0]="${status[3]}" FB_ORIG[1]="${status[4]}" FB_ORIG[2]="${status[7]}" fi # default retroarch render res to config file RENDER_RES="config" local mode if [[ -f "$VIDEO_CONF" ]]; then # load default video mode for emulator / rom mode="$(default_mode get vid_emu)" [[ -n "$mode" ]] && MODE_REQ_ID="$mode" # get default mode for system + rom combination # try the old key first and convert to the new key if found mode="$(default_mode get vid_rom_old)" if [[ -n "$mode" ]]; then default_mode del vid_rom_old default_mode set vid_rom "$mode" MODE_REQ_ID="$mode" else mode="$(default_mode get vid_rom)" [[ -n "$mode" ]] && MODE_REQ_ID="$mode" fi if [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "tvs" ]]; then # load default framebuffer res for emulator / rom mode="$(default_mode get fb_emu)" [[ -n "$mode" ]] && FB_NEW="$mode" # get default fb mode for system + rom combination # try the old key first and convert to the new key if found mode="$(default_mode get fb_rom_old)" if [[ -n "$mode" ]]; then default_mode del fb_rom_old default_mode set fb_rom "$mode" FB_NEW="$mode" else mode="$(default_mode get fb_rom)" [[ -n "$mode" ]] && FB_NEW="$mode" fi fi # get default retroarch render resolution for emulator mode="$(default_mode get render)" [[ -n "$mode" ]] && RENDER_RES="$mode" fi } function main_menu() { local save local cmd local choice local user_menu=0 [[ -d "$CONFIGDIR/all/runcommand-menu" && -n "$(find "$CONFIGDIR/all/runcommand-menu" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.sh")" ]] && user_menu=1 [[ -z "$ROM_BN" ]] && ROM_BN="game/rom" [[ -z "$SYSTEM" ]] && SYSTEM="emulator/port" while true; do local options=() if [[ "$IS_SYS" -eq 1 ]]; then local emu_sys="$(default_emulator get emu_sys)" local emu_rom="$(default_emulator get emu_rom)" options+=( 1 "Select default emulator for $SYSTEM ($emu_sys)" 2 "Select emulator for ROM ($emu_rom)" ) [[ -n "$emu_rom" ]] && options+=(3 "Remove emulator choice for ROM") fi if [[ -n "$HAS_MODESET" ]]; then local vid_emu="$(default_mode get vid_emu)" local vid_rom="$(default_mode get vid_rom)" options+=( 4 "Select default video mode for $EMULATOR ($vid_emu)" 5 "Select video mode for $EMULATOR + rom ($vid_rom)" ) [[ -n "$vid_emu" ]] && options+=(6 "Remove video mode choice for $EMULATOR") [[ -n "$vid_rom" ]] && options+=(7 "Remove video mode choice for $EMULATOR + ROM") fi if [[ "$EMULATOR" == lr-* ]]; then if [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "tvs" ]]; then options+=(8 "Select RetroArch render res for $EMULATOR ($RENDER_RES)") fi options+=(9 "Edit custom RetroArch config for this ROM") elif [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "tvs" ]]; then local fb_emu="$(default_mode get fb_emu)" local fb_rom="$(default_mode get fb_rom)" options+=( 10 "Select framebuffer res for $EMULATOR ($fb_emu)" 11 "Select framebuffer res for $EMULATOR + ROM ($fb_rom)" ) [[ -n "$fb_emu" ]] && options+=(12 "Remove framebuffer res choice for $EMULATOR") [[ -n "$fb_rom" ]] && options+=(13 "Remove framebuffer res choice for $EMULATOR + ROM") fi options+=(X "Launch") if [[ "$EMULATOR" == lr-* ]]; then options+=(L "Launch with verbose logging") options+=(Z "Launch with netplay enabled") fi if [[ "$user_menu" -eq 1 ]]; then options+=(U "User Menu") fi options+=(Q "Exit (without launching)") local temp_mode if [[ -n "$HAS_MODESET" ]]; then temp_mode="${MODE[$MODE_REQ_ID]}" else temp_mode="n/a" fi cmd=(dialog --nocancel --menu "System: $SYSTEM\nEmulator: $EMULATOR\nVideo Mode: $temp_mode\nROM: $ROM_BN" 22 76 16 ) choice=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) case "$choice" in 1) choose_emulator "emu_sys" "$emu_sys" ;; 2) choose_emulator "emu_rom" "$emu_rom" ;; 3) default_emulator "del" "emu_rom" get_sys_command set_save_vars load_mode_defaults ;; 4) choose_mode "vid_emu" "$vid_emu" ;; 5) choose_mode "vid_rom" "$vid_rom" ;; 6) default_mode "del" "vid_emu" load_mode_defaults ;; 7) default_mode "del" "vid_rom" load_mode_defaults ;; 8) choose_render_res "render" "$RENDER_RES" ;; 9) touch "$ROM.cfg" cmd=(dialog --editbox "$ROM.cfg" 22 76) choice=$("${cmd[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) [[ -n "$choice" ]] && echo "$choice" >"$ROM.cfg" [[ ! -s "$ROM.cfg" ]] && rm "$ROM.cfg" ;; 10) choose_fb_res "fb_emu" "$fb_emu" ;; 11) choose_fb_res "fb_rom" "$fb_rom" ;; 12) default_mode "del" "fb_emu" load_mode_defaults ;; 13) default_mode "del" "fb_rom" load_mode_defaults ;; Z) NETPLAY=1 break ;; X) return 0 ;; L) COMMAND+=" --verbose" return 0 ;; U) user_menu local ret="$?" [[ "$ret" -eq 1 ]] && return 1 [[ "$ret" -eq 2 ]] && return 0 ;; Q) return 1 ;; esac done return 0 } function choose_mode() { local mode="$1" local default="$2" local options=() local key for key in "${MODE_ID[@]}"; do options+=("$key" "${MODE[$key]}") done local cmd=(dialog --default-item "$default" --menu "Choose video output mode" 22 76 16 ) local choice=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) [[ -z "$choice" ]] && return default_mode set "$mode" "$choice" load_mode_defaults } function choose_emulator() { local mode="$1" local default="$2" local cancel="$3" local default local default_id local options=() local i=1 while read line; do # convert key=value to array local line=(${line/=/ }) local id=${line[0]} [[ "$id" == "default" ]] && continue local apps[$i]="$id" if [[ "$id" == "$default" ]]; then default_id="$i" fi options+=($i "$id") ((i++)) done < <(sort "$EMU_SYS_CONF") if [[ -z "${options[*]}" ]]; then dialog --msgbox "No emulator options found for $SYSTEM - Do you have a valid $EMU_SYS_CONF ?" 20 60 >/dev/tty stop_joy2key exit 1 fi local cmd=(dialog $cancel --default-item "$default_id" --menu "Choose default emulator" 22 76 16 ) local choice=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) [[ -z "$choice" ]] && return default_emulator set "$mode" "${apps[$choice]}" get_sys_command set_save_vars load_mode_defaults } function get_resolutions() { local res=( "320x224" "320x240" "400x240" "480x320" "640x480" "720x480" "720x576" "800x480" "800x600" "960x720" "1024x600" "1024x768" "1024x800" "1280x720" "1280x800" "1280x960" "1280x1024" "1360x768" "1366x768" "1920x1080" ) echo "${res[@]}" } function choose_render_res() { local mode="$1" local default="$2" local res=($(get_resolutions)) local i=1 local item local options=() for item in "${res[@]}"; do [[ "$item" == "$default" ]] && default="$i" options+=($i "$item") ((i++)) done options+=( O "Use video output resolution" C "Use config file resolution" ) [[ "$default" == "output" ]] && default="O" [[ "$default" == "config" ]] && default="C" local cmd=(dialog --default-item "$default" --menu "Choose RetroArch render resolution" 22 76 16 ) local choice=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) [[ -z "$choice" ]] && return case "$choice" in O) choice="output" ;; C) choice="config" ;; *) choice="${res[$choice-1]}" ;; esac default_mode set "$mode" "$choice" load_mode_defaults } function choose_fb_res() { local mode="$1" local default="$2" local res=($(get_resolutions)) local i=1 local item local options=() for item in "${res[@]}"; do options+=($i "$item") ((i++)) done local cmd=(dialog --default-item "$default" --menu "Choose framebuffer resolution (Useful for X and console apps)" 22 76 16 ) local choice=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) [[ -z "$choice" ]] && return choice="${res[$choice-1]}" default_mode set "$mode" "$choice" load_mode_defaults } function user_menu() { local default local options=() local script local i=1 while read -r script; do script="${script##*/}" script="${script%.*}" options+=($i "$script") ((i++)) done < <(find "$CONFIGDIR/all/runcommand-menu" -type f -name "*.sh" | sort) local default local cmd local choice local ret while true; do cmd=(dialog --default-item "$default" --cancel-label "Back" --menu "Choose option" 22 76 16) choice=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) [[ -z "$choice" ]] && return 0 default="$choice" script="runcommand-menu/${options[choice*2-1]}.sh" user_script "$script" ret="$?" [[ "$ret" -eq 1 || "$ret" -eq 2 ]] && return "$ret" done } function switch_fb_res() { local res=(${1/x/ }) local res_x="${res[0]}" local res_y="${res[1]}" local depth="$2" [[ -z "$depth" ]] && depth="${FB_ORIG[2]}" if [[ -z "$res_x" || -z "$res_y" ]]; then fbset --all -depth 8 fbset --all -depth $depth else fbset --all -depth 8 fbset --all --geometry $res_x $res_y $res_x $res_y $depth fi } function build_xinitrc() { local mode="$1" local xinitrc="/dev/shm/retropie_xinitrc" case "$mode" in clear) rm -rf "$xinitrc" ;; build) echo "#!/bin/bash" >"$xinitrc" # do modesetting (if supported) if [[ -n "$HAS_MODESET" ]]; then cat >>"$xinitrc" <<_EOF_ XRANDR_OUTPUT="\$($XRANDR --verbose | awk '/primary/ { print \$1 }')" $XRANDR --output \$XRANDR_OUTPUT --mode ${MODE_CUR[2]}x${MODE_CUR[3]} --refresh ${MODE_CUR[5]} echo "Set mode ${MODE_CUR[2]}x${MODE_CUR[3]}@${MODE_CUR[5]}Hz on \$XRANDR_OUTPUT" _EOF_ fi # echo command line for runcommand log cat >>"$xinitrc" <<_EOF_ echo -e "\nExecuting (via xinit): "${COMMAND//\$/\\\$}"\n" ${COMMAND//\$/\\\$} _EOF_ chmod +x "$xinitrc" # rewrite command to launch our xinit script (if not startx) if ! [[ "$COMMAND" =~ ^startx ]]; then COMMAND="xinit $xinitrc" fi # workaround for launching xserver on correct/user owned tty # see https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/issues/1805 # if no TTY env var is set, try and get it - eg if launching a ports script or runcommand manually if [[ -z "$TTY" ]]; then TTY=$(tty) TTY=${TTY:8:1} fi # if we managed to get the current tty then try and use it if [[ -n "$TTY" ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -- vt$TTY -keeptty" fi ;; esac } function mode_switch() { local command_prefix local separator="-" # X11 uses hypens in connector names [[ $HAS_MODESET == "x11" ]] && separator=":" local mode_id=(${1/${separator}/ }) # if the requested mode is the same as the current mode, don't switch [[ "${mode_id[*]}" == "${MODE_CUR[0]} ${MODE_CUR[1]}" ]] && return 1 if [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "kms" ]]; then # update the target resolution even though the underlying fb hasn't changed MODE_CUR=($(get_${HAS_MODESET}_mode_info "${mode_id[*]}")) # check the mode tuple against the list of current available CRCTID/MODEID values if [[ -n ${MODE["${MODE_CUR[0]}-${MODE_CUR[1]}"]} ]]; then # inject the environment variables to do modesetting for SDL2 applications command_prefix="SDL_VIDEO_KMSDRM_CRTCID=${MODE_CUR[0]} SDL_VIDEO_KMSDRM_MODEID=${MODE_CUR[1]}" fi COMMAND="$(echo "$command_prefix $COMMAND" | sed -e "s/;/; $command_prefix /g")" return 0 elif [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "x11" ]]; then # query the target resolution MODE_CUR=($(get_${HAS_MODESET}_mode_info "${mode_id[*]}")) # set target resolution $XRANDR --output "${MODE_CUR[0]}" --mode "${MODE_CUR[1]}" [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] && return 0 elif [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "tvs" ]]; then if [[ "${mode_id[0]}" == "PAL" ]] || [[ "${mode_id[0]}" == "NTSC" ]]; then $TVSERVICE -c "${mode_id[*]}" >/dev/null else $TVSERVICE -e "${mode_id[*]}" >/dev/null fi # if we have switched mode, switch the framebuffer resolution also if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then sleep 1 MODE_CUR=($(get_${HAS_MODESET}_mode_info)) [[ -z "$FB_NEW" ]] && FB_NEW="${MODE_CUR[2]}x${MODE_CUR[3]}" return 0 fi fi return 1 } function restore_fb() { sleep 1 switch_fb_res "${FB_ORIG[0]}x${FB_ORIG[1]}" "${FB_ORIG[2]}" } function config_dispmanx() { # if we are running under X then don't try and use dispmanx [[ -n "$DISPLAY" || "$XINIT" -eq 1 ]] && return local name="$1" # if we have a dispmanx conf file and $name is in it (as a variable) and set to 1, # change the library path to load dispmanx sdl first if [[ -f "$DISPMANX_CONF" ]]; then iniConfig " = " '"' "$DISPMANX_CONF" iniGet "$name" if [[ "$ini_value" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "$HAS_MODESET" == "kms" ]]; then COMMAND="SDL_DISPMANX_WIDTH=${MODE_CUR[2]} SDL_DISPMANX_HEIGHT=${MODE_CUR[3]} $COMMAND" fi COMMAND="SDL1_VIDEODRIVER=dispmanx $COMMAND" fi fi } function retroarch_append_config() { local conf="/dev/shm/retroarch.cfg" local dim # only for retroarch emulators [[ "$EMULATOR" != lr-* ]] && return # make sure tmp folder exists for unpacking archives mkdir -p "/tmp/retroarch" rm -f "$conf" touch "$conf" iniConfig " = " '"' "$conf" if [[ -n "$HAS_MODESET" && "${MODE_CUR[5]}" -gt 0 ]]; then # set video_refresh_rate in our config to the same as the screen refresh iniSet "video_refresh_rate" "${MODE_CUR[5]}" fi # populate with target resolution & fullscreen flag if KMS is active if [[ "$HAS_MODESET" != "tvs" ]]; then iniSet "video_fullscreen" "true" iniSet "video_fullscreen_x" "${MODE_CUR[2]}" iniSet "video_fullscreen_y" "${MODE_CUR[3]}" # if our render resolution is "config", then we don't set anything (use the value in the retroarch.cfg) elif [[ "$RENDER_RES" != "config" ]]; then if [[ "$RENDER_RES" == "output" ]]; then dim=(0 0) else dim=(${RENDER_RES/x/ }) fi iniSet "video_fullscreen_x" "${dim[0]}" iniSet "video_fullscreen_y" "${dim[1]}" fi # if the ROM has a custom configuration then append that too if [[ -f "$ROM.cfg" ]]; then conf+="'|'\"$ROM.cfg\"" fi # if we already have an existing appendconfig parameter, we need to add our configs to that if [[ "$COMMAND" =~ "--appendconfig" ]]; then COMMAND=$(echo "$COMMAND" | sed "s#\(--appendconfig *[^ $]*\)#\1'|'$conf#") else COMMAND+=" --appendconfig $conf" fi # append any NETPLAY configuration if [[ "$NETPLAY" -eq 1 ]] && [[ -f "$RETRONETPLAY_CONF" ]]; then source "$RETRONETPLAY_CONF" COMMAND+=" -$__netplaymode $__netplayhostip_cfile --port $__netplayport --nick $__netplaynickname" fi } function set_governor() { governor_old=() # we save the previous states first, as setting any cpuX on the RPI will also set the value for the other cores # which would cause us to save the wrong state for cpu1/2/3 after setting cpu0. On the RPI we could just process # cpu0, but this code needs to work on other platforms that do support a "per core" CPU governor. for cpu in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]*/cpufreq/scaling_governor; do governor_old+=($(<$cpu)) done for cpu in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]*/cpufreq/scaling_governor; do echo "$1" | sudo tee "$cpu" >/dev/null done } function restore_governor() { local i=0 for cpu in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]*/cpufreq/scaling_governor; do echo "${governor_old[$i]}" | sudo tee "$cpu" >/dev/null ((i++)) done } function get_sys_command() { if [[ ! -f "$EMU_SYS_CONF" ]]; then echo "No config found for system $SYSTEM" stop_joy2key exit 1 fi # get system & rom specific emulator if set local emulator="$(default_emulator get emu_sys)" if [[ -z "$emulator" ]]; then echo "No default emulator found for system $SYSTEM" start_joy2key choose_emulator "emu_sys" "" "--nocancel" stop_joy2key get_sys_command "$SYSTEM" "$ROM" return fi EMULATOR="$emulator" # get default emulator for system + rom combination # try the old key first and convert to the new key if found emulator="$(default_emulator get emu_rom_old)" if [[ -n "$emulator" ]]; then default_emulator del emu_rom_old default_emulator set emu_rom "$emulator" EMULATOR="$emulator" else emulator="$(default_emulator get emu_rom)" [[ -n "$emulator" ]] && EMULATOR="$emulator" fi COMMAND="$(default_emulator get emu_cmd)" # replace tokens COMMAND="${COMMAND//\%ROM\%/\"$ROM\"}" COMMAND="${COMMAND//\%BASENAME\%/\"$ROM_BN\"}" # special case to get the last 2 folders for quake games for the -game parameter # remove everything up to /quake/ local quake_dir="${ROM##*/quake/}" # remove filename quake_dir="${quake_dir%/*}" COMMAND="${COMMAND//\%QUAKEDIR\%/\"$quake_dir\"}" # if it starts with CON: it is a console application (so we don't redirect stdout later) if [[ "$COMMAND" == CON:* ]]; then # remove CON: COMMAND="${COMMAND:4}" CONSOLE_OUT=1 fi # if it starts with XINIT: it is an X11 application (so we need to launch via xinit) if [[ "$COMMAND" == XINIT:* ]]; then # remove XINIT: COMMAND="${COMMAND:6}" XINIT=1 fi } function show_launch() { local images=() if [[ "$IS_SYS" -eq 1 && "$USE_ART" -eq 1 ]]; then # if using art look for images in paths for es art. images+=( "$HOME/RetroPie/roms/$SYSTEM/images/${ROM_BN}-image" "$HOME/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/$SYSTEM/${ROM_BN}-image" ) fi # look for custom launching images if [[ "$IS_SYS" -eq 1 ]]; then images+=( "$HOME/RetroPie/roms/$SYSTEM/images/${ROM_BN}-launching" "$CONF_ROOT/launching" ) fi [[ "$IS_PORT" -eq 1 ]] && images+=("$CONFIGDIR/ports/launching") images+=("$CONFIGDIR/all/launching") local image local path local ext for path in "${images[@]}"; do for ext in jpg png; do if [[ -f "$path.$ext" ]]; then image="$path.$ext" break 2 fi done done if [[ -n "$image" ]]; then # if we are running under X use feh otherwise try and use fbi if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" ]]; then feh -F -N -Z -Y -q "$image" & &>/dev/null IMG_PID=$! sleep "$IMAGE_DELAY" else fbi -1 -t "$IMAGE_DELAY" -noverbose -a "$image" /dev/null fi elif [[ "$DISABLE_MENU" -ne 1 && "$USE_ART" -ne 1 ]]; then local launch_name if [[ -n "$ROM_BN" ]]; then launch_name="$ROM_BN ($EMULATOR)" else launch_name="$EMULATOR" fi DIALOGRC="$CONFIGDIR/all/runcommand-launch-dialog.cfg" dialog --infobox "\nLaunching $launch_name ...\n\nPress a button to configure\n\nErrors are logged to $LOG" 9 60 fi } function check_menu() { local dont_launch=0 # check for key pressed to enter configuration IFS= read -s -t 2 -N 1 key >"$LOG" fi } function restore_cursor_and_exit() { # if we are not being run from emulationstation (get parent of parent), turn the cursor back on. if [[ "$(ps -o comm= -p $(ps -o ppid= -p $PPID))" != "emulationstatio" ]]; then tput cnorm fi exit 0 } function launch_command() { local ret # escape $ to avoid variable expansion (eg roms containing $!) COMMAND="${COMMAND//\$/\\\$}" # launch the command echo -e "Parameters: $@\nExecuting: $COMMAND" >>"$LOG" if [[ "$CONSOLE_OUT" -eq 1 ]]; then # turn cursor on tput cnorm eval $COMMAND >"$LOG" ret=$? tput civis else eval $COMMAND >"$LOG" ret=$? fi return $ret } function runcommand() { get_config if ! get_params "$@"; then echo "$0 MODE COMMAND [SAVENAME]" echo "$0 MODE _SYS_/_PORT_ SYSTEM ROM" exit 1 fi # turn off cursor and clear screen tput civis clear rm -f "$LOG" echo -e "$SYSTEM\n$EMULATOR\n$ROM\n$COMMAND" >/dev/shm/runcommand.info user_script "runcommand-onstart.sh" set_save_vars load_mode_defaults start_joy2key show_launch if [[ "$DISABLE_MENU" -ne 1 ]]; then if ! check_menu; then stop_joy2key user_script "runcommand-onend.sh" clear restore_cursor_and_exit 0 fi fi stop_joy2key mode_switch "$MODE_REQ_ID" # replace X/Y resolution and refresh (useful for KMS/modesetting) COMMAND="${COMMAND//\%XRES\%/${MODE_CUR[2]}}" COMMAND="${COMMAND//\%YRES\%/${MODE_CUR[3]}}" COMMAND="${COMMAND//\%REFRESH\%/${MODE_CUR[5]}}" [[ -n "$FB_NEW" ]] && switch_fb_res $FB_NEW config_dispmanx "$SAVE_EMU" # switch to configured cpu scaling governor [[ -n "$GOVERNOR" ]] && set_governor "$GOVERNOR" retroarch_append_config # build xinitrc and rewrite command if not already in X11 context if [[ "$XINIT" -eq 1 && "$HAS_MODESET" != "x11" ]]; then build_xinitrc build fi local ret launch_command ret=$? [[ -n "$IMG_PID" ]] && kill -SIGINT "$IMG_PID" clear # remove tmp folder for unpacked archives if it exists rm -rf "/tmp/retroarch" # restore default cpu scaling governor [[ -n "$GOVERNOR" ]] && restore_governor # if we switched mode - restore preferred mode mode_switch "$MODE_ORIG_ID" # delete temporary xinitrc launch script if [[ "$XINIT" -eq 1 && "$HAS_MODESET" != "x11" ]]; then build_xinitrc clear fi # reset/restore framebuffer res (if it was changed) [[ -n "$FB_NEW" ]] && restore_fb [[ "$EMULATOR" == lr-* ]] && retroarchIncludeToEnd "$CONF_ROOT/retroarch.cfg" user_script "runcommand-onend.sh" restore_cursor_and_exit "$ret" } runcommand "$@"