........................................................................*........F..F..................................... Pending: OQ::Converters::Yaml .deserialize Object with a complex sequence key Failures: 1) OQ::Converters::Yaml .serialize Nil should output correctly Failure/Error: output.should eq build_expected_yaml_string "--- \n" Expected: "--- \n" got: "---\n" # spec/converters/yaml_spec.cr:333 2) OQ::Converters::Yaml .serialize Array(T) object with empty array/values should emit self closing tags for each Failure/Error: output.should eq(<<-YAML Expected: "---\na: []\nb: {}\nc: \n" got: "---\na: []\nb: {}\nc:\n" # spec/converters/yaml_spec.cr:366 Finished in 5.21 seconds 122 examples, 2 failures, 0 errors, 1 pending Failed examples: crystal spec spec/converters/yaml_spec.cr:331 # OQ::Converters::Yaml .serialize Nil should output correctly crystal spec spec/converters/yaml_spec.cr:364 # OQ::Converters::Yaml .serialize Array(T) object with empty array/values should emit self closing t ags for each >>> ERROR: oq: check failed