17:07 .......... dalias| any input on termios baud mess on list? 17:07 .......... dalias| i think we have a bunch of stuff that's sus already 17:08 .......... dalias| even without adding custom baud/termios2 support 17:11 ............. mps| because this I had (c_ospeed and c_ispeed) I had to disable kwboot in u-boot for alpine 17:11 .......... dalias| so it wants to access the c_ospeed and c_ispeed members directly? 17:12 ............. mps| and iirc we talked about this long time ago here 17:12 .......... dalias| rather than using the cfset[io]speed ? 17:12 .......... dalias| maybe so 17:12 ............. mps| dalias: yes, directly iirc 17:13 ............. mps| let me find it 17:14 ............. mps| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/u-boot/u-boot/master/tools/kwboot.c 17:15 ............. mps| https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/a6915942419413153d09fbba28547318f1d77c55/tools/kwboot.c#L756 17:15 ......... feepbot| u-boot/tools/kwboot.c at a6915942419413153d09fbba28547318f1d77c55 · u-boot/u-boot · GitHub 17:18 .......... dalias| hmm 17:18 .......... dalias| so cfset[io]speed need to accept BOTHER for this to work 17:19 .......... dalias| i don't see where glibc's do that.. ? 17:19 .......... dalias| ohh nm 17:19 .......... dalias| only glibc's cfsetspeed accepts custom speeds 17:20 .......... dalias| cfset[io]speed don't 17:20 .......... dalias| *sigh* 17:21 ............. mps| I discussed this about two (or more) years ago on #u-boot channel but must be honest and say I forgot all about it 17:23 ............. mps| and for alpine this is not important, I think we don't build u-boot for any machine which needs kwboot 17:23 .......... dalias| it looks like they have it properly conditional on BOTHER now 17:24 .......... dalias| so it should build fine on musl and just not support custom bauds 17:29 .......... dalias| lolwut 17:30 ............. mps| idk, I remember that it doesn't build on musl 17:30 .......... dalias| glibc cfset[io]speed are storing the B* constants in the c_[io]speed members 17:30 .......... dalias| aren't those supposed to have actual baud numbers not the constants?? 17:31 .......... dalias| lol 17:31 .......... dalias| looking at kwboot.c code.. 17:31 ............. mps| constants? lol really 17:31 .......... dalias| it calls glibc cfsetospeed after setting c_ospeed 17:31 .......... dalias| and then glibc overwrites c_ospeed with BOTHER 17:31 .......... dalias| so this code doesn't even work 17:32 .......... dalias| it's like nobody who wrote the implementation of this stuff in glibc, or the code using it in the application, even tested it or had any idea what they wanted it to do... 17:36 .......... tvtoon| when not working with real hardware may as well deprecate all this 17:37 .......... dalias| wtf kernel is on crack too 17:37 .......... dalias| if IBSHIFT (support for separate input baud in the legacy c_cflag) is not defined 17:37 .......... dalias| then the kernel ignores c_ispeed and uses c_ospeed 17:38 .......... dalias| hmm looks like IBSHIFT is defined by kernel tho 17:40 .......... dalias| yes it's always defined 17:40 .......... dalias| so it's just a stupid ifdef... 17:48 .......... dalias| should we mention this to the u-boot folks? O_o 17:51 ............. mps| I think yes